Display No. 26H
SHEPHARD, Albert C. M – Special Interest Medals
Albert ‘Jack’ Shephard joined the Royal Navy in January 1916 and served in both the First and Second World Wars. Read more about Jack and view his awarded medals.
Medal Description [Left to Right]
Cross of the European Confederation of Former Combatants

The medal was issued by the government of France to veterans who took part in Operation Dynamo, the evacuation of Dunkirk. The aim of the European Confederation of Former Combatants is to strengthen links between former allies and enemies in Europe, to foster peace, security, cooperation and friendship and to defend human rights. During the Cold War, it acted as a point of contact between the opposing sides and more recently it has worked to ease the path of the former Soviet Bloc countries into a united Europe.
King Albert I Veterans’ Medal (or Cross)

This unofficial medal was made available to purchase in the late 1960s and 1970s to all Allied veterans who had served in Belgium during the First World War, or their next of kin. It was issued by the government of Belgium.
Royal Federation of the Veterans of King Albert I 1948-1973

A Belgian commemorative medal. The Royal Federation was established in 1948 to commemorate King Albert I and the veterans of the First World War in Belgium. Issued by the government of Belgium.